How to password protect your Word documents on the internet

Sometimes you may want to publish a document such as a worksheet to the internet for your students to access, but you may not want other people to have access to it as well. These are some choices you have to accomplish this:

  1. Require a password to open documents (How to password protect Word documents), and give the password to your students.
  2. Use a more robust method of encryption to provide extremely secure privacy protection. There are open-source and free tools you can use to do this, such as Keepass.
  3. Link to documents hosted inside your college on an intranet. This way, a student will only be able to open the document you link to if they have access to the system (i.e. they are on campus).

As with anything else, be sure you test whichever method you use to ensure it works. Be sure to be logged in as a student when you do this, or better yet, ask a student to test it and see if they can do it.

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